Privacy Policy

Site Information

The MICE NISEKO website “””” (hereafter “”this site””) is operated by the Kutchan Tourism Association.

This site is designed with accessibility in mind so that it is easy to search for any visitor, regardless of age, gender, and whether or not they have a disability. The site uses cookies (information temporarily written on the computer of the user accessing the site) to improve accessibility. Users can adjust their browser settings to refuse and delete any received cookies. (For details on how to adjust browser settings, please contact the software developer.)

Please keep the following in mind when using this site. Also, the following precautions are for this site only, and do not to apply to linked sites.


 In principle, the copyrights for the text, photos, etc., found on this site are the property of the Kutchan Tourism Association. However, the copyrights for some photos belong to the original creator. Also the entire site is copyrighted as an edited work, and is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication and reuse is prohibited except when allowed by copyright law. The content of this site may not be modified.


 Although we strive to ensure that information on this site is accurate, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or safety of said content. The Kutchan Tourism Association accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any damages or losses incurred by users due to information posted on this site. Note also, that information on the site may be changed or removed without advance notice. Thank you for understanding.

Personal information handling

Personal information entered in the inquiry form by site users is handled appropriately as follows according to the Kutchan Tourism Association Information Protection Ordinance:

  1. Personal information refers to the personal information of users (addresses, names, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.), which can be used to identify an individual or used in combination with other information to identify an individual.
  2. When the Kutchan Tourism Association collects personal information via this site, in principle, said information is provided and registered voluntarily by the user, and the collection and purpose of use of personal information is clearly stated when said information is collected.
  3. Restrictions on the use of personal information: Personal information provided and registered by users is only used within the bounds of the reason for collection notified in advance, and excluding cases stipulated by ordinances, said information is not used for any purposes other than the reason for collection.
  4. Personal information management: Personal information collected from users is appropriately managed by the Kutchan Tourism Association and the site administrator including measures to prevent leaks and doctoring.
  5. The above personal information handling items may be revised without advance notice as necessary to accommodate revisions to ordinances, etc.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to identify usage statistics of this site and to collect access information. The site uses cookies from Google to collect user information, but this information cannot be used to identify users. Collected information use is limited to analyzing site usage conditions and helping site operators prepare reports.

By using the site, users authorize data processing according to the above methods and purposes by Google. Data collected using Google Analytics is managed according to the Google Privacy Policy. Please check the Google Analytics website for information on their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

・Google Analytics Terms of Service
・Use of information by Google, collected from sites and apps that use Google services
・Privacy Policy


In general, linking to this site is permitted, however, we ask that links be set to the homepage ( Please notify us of the site address that links to our site, either before or after posting the link. Note that we refuse links from the following sites and linking methods:

  1. Sites with content that infringes upon the assets or privacy of third parties
  2. Sites with content that includes abuse, slander, expressions or depictions of a violent or sexual nature, and anything else that goes against public policy
  3. Sites that include content that is in violation of laws and regulations, and content deemed to be criminal
  4. Sites that include content which obstructs, impedes, or coerces the actions of others or groups
  5. Sites that include content on election campaigns or similar content, and content that violates the Public Offices Election Act
  6. Sites that use information posted on this site for commercial purposes
  7. Sites that express support or disapproval of specific politics, parties, ideologies, or religions
  8. Links that are not clearly identified as linking to this site
  9. Any other sites deemed inappropriate for linking to this site